About – The Camera Forum®
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TheCameraForum was created several years ago as a place in cyberspace where we can all be bozos together on the Photographic learning bus.  When I first conceived TheCameraForum.Com®, I intended to see it evolve as a league of extraordinary ladies and gentlemen and as a future repository for you who read our articles and participate with us in creating them. 

Still, photography isn’t easy, and video filming isn’t easy.  Learning hybrid still photograph and video “clip” storytelling takes a willingness to learn both. To learn either craft, video, or still photography, you must plan to make many mistakes along the way.  Photography is hard enough to understand without distractions from well-meaning speculators, self-proclaimed experts, or, worse, deliberate sleight-of-hand for hidden purposes, marketing or otherwise.   

Online “journalism” and forums, as well as the professions of Photography and Videography, are all high-dollar, highly competitive businesses.  We all need to be aware some information providers online are not independent journalists.  Many have a vested financial interest in bending your opinion to what they are paid to represent.  Their loyalty is not to you as a free reader; their commitment is to the corporate interests that pay their bills.  That is the capitalist way.  While perfectly legal, in this writer’s opinion, it’s morally questionable without full disclosure.  

It’s the form of disclosure that sometimes troubles me.  With the demise of many photography magazines and the rapid rise of “blogs” and “forums” that have mostly taken their place, journalistic standards and ethics have both taken one on the chin.

Here at The Camera Forum, we try to create, highlight, and feature timely and relevant articles for you.  But we also go to a significant expense to preserve those older, long-tail articles that, while not exciting or flashy, are the bread and butter of the state of the art when they were written.  We preserve them for their historical significance.  And in most cases, their technological value as research material.

We gather and analyze information directly from those most familiar with it, the photographers in the field using it in their daily business, and the designers and manufacturers who make the gear possible.  If you like what we are doing, please tell your friends.  If you don’t, please notify us.  We’re always open to critique and love to hear suggestions and ideas from our readers.  The editors can always be reached through the Contact button on the main menu above.  The content on TheCameraForum.Com® is work from artists in photography, video, and cinema or features products and techniques that artists use to create their art.

We welcome and thank you for your support as we try to grow TheCameraForum.Com® as a primary information repository community for the Art, Science, & Technology of creating today’s Hybrid Storytelling – combining the best elements from the written word combined with still photography and video clips.  

Mirrorless Madness, YES!  I like to think of TheCameraForum.Com® as a continuing, never-ending community workshop.  Please join us in supporting the work of our contributors.  We also invite you to contribute your knowledge and views as well.  So here’s to our mutual continued efforts to learn the highways and the byways of Hybrid Storytelling and Mirrorless Madness.


TheCameraForum.Com is always in what may seem like a continuing state of Public Beta, and this means things frequently change as features are added and bugs squashed.  Please excuse any unusual or tragic behavior in your particular browser.  We would appreciate hearing anything you say: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful.  The world needs to see more of the beautiful.  

Welcome aboard, and have a GREAT day!

Chuck Jones

Publisher and Managing Editor


Revised December 2021