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Are you an Artist? Are you familiar with American photographer Roger Ballen or his work? If not, you should be. Do you think before you shoot? This and 7 thoughts from world-renowned artist Roger Ballen on what the differences are between the way an artist sees...
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David and Talya got married young. They have an 18 month old and another on the way. But life isn’t the way David expected it: they live in a trailer park (true, it’s a luxury trailer park), David uses his artistic ability to create...
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Most big budget movies made today all seem to have a pretty extensive budget for VFX production. It has sort of become second nature to use VFX in place of very expensive mechanical action or dangerous stunts for actors to perform. Much better to do...
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As a young man growing up, "I want to be a Cameraman" was never heard around our house. Too difficult. Is there any professional value in that dream today? Ironically, the possibility of becoming a photographer was a goal I never considered, though I was gifted...
As a young man growing up, "...
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