Gatsby VFX – The Camera Forum®
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Gatsby VFX

Gatsby VFX

Most big budget movies made today all seem to have a pretty extensive budget for VFX production.  It has sort of become second nature to use VFX in place of very expensive mechanical action or dangerous stunts for actors to perform.  Much better to do with a computer…

But what parts of the movie was real (as real as anything can get in a movie) and what parts of it were computer generated?  Here is a great look behind the VFX scenes, so to speak, at how the huge hit “Gatsby” was created.  See anything that surprised you?  I sure did!

Chris Godfrey was the VFX supervisor on the film.  He had this to share about the video segment above:

“Baz has graciously agreed to let us release this ‘before and afters’ reel to show our peer group the VFX work completed on his film ‘The Great Gatsby’. While this specific reel was the work of Animal Logic (as my primary vendor), in total I worked with 7 vendors including Animal Logic, Rising Sun and Iloura in Australia, ILM in San Francisco and also Prime Focus and Method Vancouver. We also ran an amazing internal SWAT team that completed over 400 shots. Congratulations to all who did such fabulous work on almost 1500 shots and especially to Andy Brown from Animal Logic who put this sequence together.  Many thanks to Baz, CM, Catherine Knapman, Chris DeFaria and Mark Brown – and of course Prue Fletcher and Joyce Cox.”


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Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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