Dream Animation
Master CG Architects at Vaya Studio in Sofia, Bulgaria, all got together one cold winter’s day and decided to have some fun with dream animation. Above is the short dream animation movie result done at Vaya Studio. When the dream animation gets so good that it fools even professional photographers into believing the original source was film, you know the animators have nailed it. This level of craft work goes far beyond just understanding how to use the software tools, it encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the rules of art, composition, light, and design. The lighting design is spectacular and fully believable, something that I found lacking in most other dream animation sequences I’ve seen in the past.
It is good to see this high quality work coming from what were formerly Iron Curtain countries. These economies that had been kept down and routinely extracted by the former Soviet Union have now all begun to blossom with new high tech jobs and highly qualified, trained, artists educated in the latest technology and anxious to create. No more is Eastern Europe a creatively devoid, dark and dreary zone. The weather hasn’t changed, but the pendulum has swung far to the other direction. Creative projects such as “Dream Animation” are obviously world class efforts and deserve wide recognition. Dream Animation is not one of my own particular strengths. Heck, I have trouble doing animated GIF’s, let alone anything nearly as complicated as this. But I always enjoy seeing inspiring films, and “Dream Animation” is certainly one of the more inspiring I have seen in recent memory. I hope you enjoy it.
Music and sound FX by Highass.org
This film is a CGArchitect AWARD Nomination.
For further information on Vaya and to see more of their incredible dream animation work, please visit: www.vaya.bg