texBlend – The Camera Forum®
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Sometimes, you don’t need a reason to create something beautiful, other than just the urge to do it.  This is the philosophy I feel behind texBlend, the iDevice texture blending product brought to market by Uwe Steinmueller, my close friend, frequent contributor here, and owner of  texBlend is not a product with a compelling “must have it for work” required software mandate, though its use would certainly spruce up the creative content in any marketing related piece. 

The Dunes

Indeed, the concept behind texBlend is a simple one.  Pick a subject photo, then pick a “texture” recipe and apply it.  Easy to learn, fast to execute, beautiful results to look at.  And simple enough to allow a wound-up creative mind to unwind, decompress with something more productive than TV!  You can load and save texture recipes too.  How much easier could having fun be?

One Year’s River Junk – Contained.

Unlike many photo apps on iPad and iPhones, texBlend does not force you to capture your subject photo on your phone itself.  You can simply email a photo to open on your iPad/iPhone, and proceed from there.

Leaves – Variations On A Theme – Blend #1


Leaves – Variation On A Theme – Blend #2


Leaves – Variation On A Theme – Blend #3

Variations and combinations are almost endless in possibilities.  You can create constructs not possible in other ways, and take advantage of the huge image toning possibilities made possible by texBlend.

Beautiful Extreme Tones Are Possible Using “Blending.”

Beautiful Extreme Tones Are Possible Using “Blending.” Or try creating some interesting textural changes.  These are always fun!

Jalopy With River Bottom Mud texBlend

“The PRIMARY reason to try #texBlend is to get something different for the all important online #SELFIE!” – Chuck Jones, January 30, 2014.

The All Important Original Selfie "The Six Eyes Of Chuck Jones" - ©2013 Chuck Jones

Original Selfie “The Six Eyes Of Chuck Jones” ©2013 Chuck Jones w/Tree Bark texBlend.


To get your own copy of texBlend, it’s $1.99 HERE

More texBlends & further information on Outback Photo HERE

Or the WILD texBlends on Flickr HERE




Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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