Uwe Steinmueller Dead
My longtime friend Uwe Steinmueller, editor and publisher of OutbackPhoto.Com, and fellow contributing editor to TheCameraForum.Com has passed away. Uwe suffered a heart attack on August 8, 2014 at his home in Germany.
There, I said it. I’ve been procrastinating for several days now writing this. Somehow, to actually write these words down makes the event concrete, something I can no longer avoid facing the reality of. Even now, several days later writing this still brings the sting to my eyes as the moisture starts to form. Uwe my friend, you will be missed, and not just by me alone, by many.
Another friend who knew Uwe well was Alain Briot, who has broken the news with his publishing the news here:http://www.luminous-landscape.com/about/briots-view/uwe_steinmueller.shtml Thank you Alain for the push to get this completed and posted. More information will be coming about what is to become of OutBackPhoto and some of Uwe’s other online publishing efforts. Once Bettina is of a mind to deal with the subject a decision will be made. I will update this post once the family decides further.
I can’t do a proper eulogy to Uwe yet, I am still way too emotional even at the thought. I will try to edit this story down the road a bit, and possibly add more of that. Or perhaps not. What I have to say in this post is not what should bring readers. After a pioneering career in digital photography, Uwe Steinmueller should be remembered for his many contributions, foremost his art.
A technologist always, Uwe and I visited over Skype several times a week, and emailed constantly about what was transpiring in the camera industry, what the latest and greatest was going to be, and many other similar technical photographic subjects. Uwe was a visionary pioneer in the digital photography field, and as such had input at the highest levels of the photography industry.
Our conversations always ended with our exchange of a few images, sharing our latest work or discussing a particular critique. My last conversation with Uwe took place on August 7, 2014, the day before Uwe died. According to my Skype log, Uwe and my last conversation lasted exactly 31 minutes and 51 seconds. I wish now it had been much longer.
The following are the images Uwe Steinmueller shared with me before we ended that final conversation.
God bless you Uwe, thank you from myself and the whole photography community who you helped to educate, and thank you especially for your friendship my friend. You will not be forgotten, and neither will your work.