Quik – The Camera Forum®
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QUIK from Colin Kennedy on Vimeo.

QUIK is a collaboration between and Quiksilver. It’s a film shot exclusively on the sidewalks and streets of Los Angeles giving an unprecedented look into the world of street skating. Captured entirely from a moving vehicle, the film follows Austyn Gillette as he skates through the neighborhoods of LA’s historic east-side and downtown at top speed.


Behind the Scenes by Tom Gammage. Watch it here


Production Company | The Berrics
Director | Colin Kennedy
Director of Photography | Marc Ritzema
Skateboarder | Austyn Gillette
Agency | The Berrics
Editor | Colin Kennedy
Producer | Colin Kennedy
Music | We Barbarians “Chambray”
Sound Mix | Michelle Garuik for Grind Music + Sound Inc.
Colorist | Michael Mintz for Margarita Mix Hollywood
Titles | Matt Rodriguez
Best Boy | Grant Yansura
Production Assistants | Tom Gammage, Prince Gilchrist, Hayden Smith


Shot on a Sony PMW-F3 with a Cooke 18-100mm T3 Lens

Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

1 Comment
  • Suzanne Birrell

    This is really exhilarating to watch. The skate boarder is awesome – I felt like I was onboard. Inspiring in that it’s a short creative piece that in style and technique is do-able by the aspiring film maker.

    May 16, 2013 at 12:56 pm

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