Saturday Double Feature
CAPTAIN T&T (2013) – A Short Film from Christopher Guinness on Vimeo.
I can still remember back when the local movie theatre in my hometown ran a Saturday Double Feature for youngsters like myself. Often, those double features were both from the same director. Those were the best. It gave me a chance to see enough of the directors work to get a feel for his style. So here we go with the first Saturday Double Feature here on TheCameraFourm.Com We hope you enjoy it.
It is hard to find words to describe this first selection. It really moved me. Sometimes no additional words are even necessary. I guess this is one of those times. Captain T&T is a beautiful, inspirational, and incredibly well made short film that more than speaks for itself. (Start playing the movie, then click on the FULL SCREEN icon and for the best experience make sure HD is turned ON.)
Then, for adventurous types like myself who can’t get enough of Christopher Guinness’ work, this second feature from the Saturday Double Feature on TheCameraForum.Com is entitled “PotHound.” It also moved me, only in a different way, as a great director has the power to do. I have my eyes on Christopher Guinness, and so should you. (Don’t forget, click on the FULL SCREEN icon after starting the movie, and make sure HD is turned ON.)
POTHOUND – 2012 Vimeo Awards Finalist from Christopher Guinness on Vimeo.