Panasonic GH4 Stills: Camera Impressions
GH4 Stills? That is just a video camera, right? Nope. The Panasonic GH4 is out and shipping, so our favorite reviewers at TheCameraStore.TV in Calgary, Alberta, Canada decided to revisit the GH4 with a full production unit to check out some of the things they were unable to test in the prototype they used in their earlier “first look.” In this after dark episode, Chris Niccolls and Jordan Drake look at the GH4 stills quality, external recording, Wifi functions and more!.
But the biggest additions? They discover the new Panasonic actually does shoot 16 megapixel stills, quality GH4 stills, with reportedly excellent autofocus speed and accuracy. We know the GH4 does a fantastic job shooting video. We also know it is now possible to shoot video, and pull out single still frames from the video stream that are so good few people can even tell them apart from a regular still frame. We reported about the phenomenal GH4 “Video Frame Pulls” here: https://thecameraforum.com/stills-from-4k-gh4-video/ But GH4 Stills? Is there news there as well?
With the huge improvements in the Panasonic Lumix GH4 for videographers and moviemakers, few have yet to pay much attention the actual still photographic capabilities of the new Lumix GH4 camera. Thank you Chris and Jordan for addressing this important issue to all of us who aspire to be hybrid storytellers. We need good stills, good video, great sound, and we need all options available immediately, with a smooth, simple transition between them. I look forward to trying the GH4 myself.

GH4 Still Photograph ©B+U Steinmueller