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The Sony A7R II introduction at Samy's Camera in Los Angeles, California on August 22, 2015 was a couple of weeks after the A7R II introduction launch held in New York City on August 5th. From what I saw of the postings, Brian Smith did...
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Unlike the inspiring words Brian Smith has on offer later in, the beginning of this recorded "Live Stream" video is blank for nearly the first hour. We are sorry for the inconvenience of having to ask you to do it, but please move the play...
Unlike the inspiring words...
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There are few things I've found in my life as a photographer of any real lasting value: My older pre-ASPH Leica lenses, an old Domke bag I've had forever, my hat, and a small library of books - SONY A7/A7R:FROM SNAPSHOTS TO GREAT SHOTS now being...
There are few things I've foun...
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I had never been to WPPI, the Wedding and Portrait Photographers International show in Las Vegas, so when Paul Gero told me he was going I made an on the spot decision to join him. The Sunday afternoon drive from Los Angeles to Las Vegas...
I had never been to WPPI, th...
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