(based on a true story) – The Camera Forum®
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(based on a true story)

(based on a true story)

photographer: David Alan Harvey
layout and design: Bryan Harvey
producer: Eva-Maria Kunz
coordinator: Diego Orlando
production: Andrea Barbato, Michael Courvoisier, Candy Pilar Godoy


Attention photographers! We at offer the following presentation as a whole new take on just what a printed book can be.  The ability for the reader to reorder the story to suit their personal tastes allows for an innovative interactive experience for the reader.   It’s a first in our experience and we present this to you as yet another example of extending the art of photography.


David Alan Harvey’s groundbreaking limited edition book, (based on a true story), published in 2012 by BurnBooks, is a visual novella of Rio de Janeiro which tells the story by exploring a new form of visual literacy.   This book does not simply lie contentedly on your coffee table.  (based on a true story) begs you to pick it up, take it apart, and play with the arrangement.  It invites you to participate in the artistic presentation while you drink in the spectacular photography that only a true master like David Alan Harvey can produce.  Kudos to Filmmaker and Designer Brian Harvey for coming up with such an excellent and thoughtful design!


Certainly it will not be the last time we see this format.    (based on a true story) was listed as one of the top ten photo books of the year at Paris Photo 2012.  It won the 2012 Lucie Award – Book Publisher of the Year – for BurnBooks.    The following video takes it apart and shows you the ropes (actually it’s a string).



David Alan Harvey’s work has been exhibited at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Bibliothèque National Paris, and the Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney.  David is the founder of Burn Magazine, an award-winning online journal for emerging photographers, and the publisher of BurnBooks, a press specializing in limited edition art books.  A member of the legendary Magnum cooperative since 1997, David Alan Harvey lives in North Carolina and Brooklyn, NY.


To order a copy of (based on a true story):


Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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