Ian Ruhter: When Dreams Collide – The Camera Forum®
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Ian Ruhter: When Dreams Collide

Ian Ruhter: When Dreams Collide

When Dreams Collide from Ian Ruhter : Alchemist on Vimeo.

“The distance between where you are now and the path you think you should be on is probably smaller than you think it is” – Chase Jarvis.

In the process of preparing his time machine, as he calls his mobile TruckCam, Ian Ruhter had no idea this would become one of his most extraordinary journeys to date. In his own words,

“It would propel me into the future where I meet Chase Jarvis, one of the greatest photographers of all time. It would then send me back in time to meet with my old friend, Peter Line, the best snowboarder of this era. All of a sudden I found myself in the present, making a picture of Ishmael Butler from the Diggable Planets. I had travelled the way you would in a dream, taking me backward into the future. A future where you paint with silver and light.”

Strong imagery, both on the wet plates and in his words. One of our TinType Masters,  and both outstanding photographers, Ian Ruhter and Chase Jarvis are two positive, forward looking people with their photography as well as their lives. Not an easy thing to accomplish in today’s world of disruption, particularly in photography as a business. The old photography business models do not seem to work anymore, times have changed. Digital has become all the “rage of the age.”

These are two inspiring individuals who have successfully transitioned themselves across the disruption divide, and onto even better things. Chase Jarvis has become an entertainment force in the industry, while creating in my opinion one of the best “Dick Cavett” like experiences on the net today. Richard Alva “Dick” Cavett is a former American television talk show host known for his conversational style and frank, honest, in-depth discussions. Chase Jarvis has extended his art forms to include entertainer, and does a remarkably good job of it.

“The art of interviewing a personality particularly for television is probably the most difficult thing to achieve. Few people including the most experienced actually get it right. I think the reason is because being a good interviewer requires one to be first and foremost a good listener.”

Darius Kadivar


Alchemist Ian Ruhter’s journey has become not only a journey of discovery for him, it has become a fascination with an extreme form of beautiful art, arcane in its practice due to the technical extremes as well as the demands Ian places upon it and himself as an artist. Nothing but success is acceptable. Failure is just a part of the process of gaining that eventual success. The rest is just hard work. I can relate to that. It warms the cockles of my heart to see there is still a respected place in the world for Masters of Arcane Arts such as wet plate, and support for artists like Ian Ruhter who are adventuresome enough to pursue perfecting it – and possibly themselves at the same time.

Become a part of Ian Ruhter’s journey at; 

For more Chase Jarvis Live please visit: ChaseJarvis.Com 


Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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