Seed Story – The Camera Forum®
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Seed Story

Seed Story

Seed Story from William D. Caballero on Vimeo.

 From behind a camera lens, William D. Caballero tells big stories using small figures.


His childhood action figures, model railroad set miniature people, and 3D printed polymer-resin models became an army of actors that William positioned amongst life-sized backdrops of urban decay, in the filming of Seed Story. This production technique allows William to tackle issues in Seed Story as somber as religious-genocidal warfare and as lighthearted as character-driven biopics using the same creative approach we all used when playing with our toys in our youth.


Seed Story is an experimental narrative shot in macro perspective featuring a cast of hundreds of one-inch plastic figures and junk props. It focuses on the the negative addictions humanity has suffered throughout the ages. Directed and conceived by William D. Caballero, it premiered at the 2013 Slamdance Film Festival and at numerous festivals across the world.  It is a masterful storyteller creation, beautifully executed, and possibly the fore-runner of a new genre in macro video storytelling.


The tremendous viewer response to Seed Story in just this initial week is the first major exposure for this hard working self-described Puerto Rican filmmaker Caballero.  The recognition is obviously well deserved.  I can just imagine the work that went into this production from the whole production team.  That is a lot of custom one inch high characters to be painted alone.  As a huge fan of good macro video production work, Seed Story  from William Caballero should go on to win every possible award in my book.  It is just that dang good!


William has also cut together a new short film consisting of deleted scenes from Seed Story:

HUMANITY (Deleted Scenes from SEED STORY) from William D. Caballero on Vimeo.

In William’s own words “Recently, my first macro film SEED STORY became a Vimeo Staff Pick. Originally, it was an 18 minute long film, but the final version was cut down to 12 minutes. The above is an newly envisioned short that utilizes these deleted scenes (in addition to some short shots from the final 12 minute version of Seed Story), and retells them in a unique way.”


The score, written for violin, is composed and performed by William D. Caballero.  Directed, produced, shot, edited, animated, and scored by William D. Caballero.  A truly gifted young man we look forward to seeing more work from.


For more information on the project, visit


Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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