Shooting Through Glass – The Camera Forum®
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Shooting Through Glass

Shooting Through Glass

Want to see how Glass actually feels? Google has just released a video which shows off the UI for its Glass project—and it looks real interesting to me.  The Glass project is Google’s answer to the yet-to-be-proven need for a “wearable” computer with eye ball and voice interface.  It’s surprisingly simple. Say “take a picture” to take a picture. Record what you see, hands free. Even share what you see, live.  As it is happening, wherever you are.  All through the magic of Glass, the Google personal goggles development.  This is only the first of what I expect will be several iterations of this product as it continues development, but sign me up as a pioneer.  Whatever arrows I take in the back as an early adopter, the experience of telling stories from the first-person perspective alone opens up lots of new creative possibilities I can see to employ this technology.


Directions are right in front of you. Speak to send a message, or translate your voice. Get the notifications that matter most. Ask whatever’s on your mind and get answers without having to ask.  Google Search is still the industry standard search engine, along with the best mapping and my standby directions source.  Having all this at my voice command, that can be used hands free even while driving would be a nice to have.  These are the promises.  This post from Google showing the actual Glass interface, and the results of the system working is the first time I have seen this shown in public.  I’m impressed.  What a boon for photographers…. just tell my glasses to take a picture, image adjust and grade it, then seamlessly send it to my editor.  What could be better?


All the footage for this video was captured using Google Glass.

Welcome to a world through Glass. See more at

“New Lipstick” by The Kissaway Trail on Google Play –


Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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