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Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System

Ivanpah Solar Power Facility from TheCameraForum on Vimeo. And from the air, DJI was kind enough to fly this same location, and produced this: Legend has it that Archimedes used a "burning glass" to concentrate sunlight on the invading Roman fleet and repel them from Syracuse. In 1973 a Greek...

Ivanpah Solar Power Facili...

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Magisto: Is Personal Video Poised To Take Off?

Despite the best efforts of the top camera and smartphone manufacturers, personal video hasn’t exploded the way still photos have. However, like still photos, many say that personal video has the potential to break out from its role as "memory clips" and become an even...

Despite the best efforts of ...

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Yosemite National Park

Today, hundreds of thousands of photographs will not be taken.  The US Congress has declared war on landscape photographers.  Thousands of locations are now posted:OFF LIMITS.  Across the country, vacations, that dreamed of and earned respite from a year's toil, are being collectively ruined. People...

Today, hundreds of thous...

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