Canon 1DC Drone – The Camera Forum®
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Canon 1DC Drone

Canon 1DC Drone


Anthony Jacobs, the founder and chief pilot for Perspective Aerials (, became the first person I know of to fly a Canon 1DC with a drone rig. The 1DC is a camera I have some very mixed feelings about, as I have already stated in other articles on the subject.  Then when I see the way someone like Mr. Jacobs can set it to work making magic, I can only imagine what the 1DC’s ability to capture self-contained 4K could make possible for him in the future. In the above video you can see some of Mr. Jacob’s first test footage of his new rig, along with some behind the scenes footage of other high resolution cameras being prepared for their own test flights.  You could even say that Anthony makes the Canon Cinema Series real high flyers!


Also check out Anthony Jacobs reel below.  This man does some fantastic aerial camera work, probably the best I have seen to date.  I will be keeping a close eye to see what Anthony Jacobs does next.  And you just never know… watching people working at this level makes me dream of flying my own cameras one of these days.  I just love the aerial perspectives.


Perspective Aerials – Helicam Reel from perspective Aerials on Vimeo.

Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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