Canon EOS 5D Mark III – RAW Video! – The Camera Forum®
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Canon EOS 5D Mark III – RAW Video!

Canon EOS 5D Mark III – RAW Video!

Canon 5D Mark III Continuous Raw Video with Magic Lantern (1920×1280 24p) from Andrew Reid on Vimeo.

They laughed and called it an April fools joke when the news first broke.  Nobody covered the story.  Most said it couldn’t be done. It has. Here is the proof.

Bottom line, continuous raw video on the 5D Mark III is here! Quality is unsurpassed by any other DSLR and is truly in league with the RED and the Alexa, or that is the claim.  Congratulations to Magic Lantern and in particular a huge thanks to Alex and his team for providing this service to the digital film making community.  We all need to remember to contribute to the development team behind Magic Lantern so they can afford to continue their great work.

Please download the original movie file from Vimeo directly if you want to pixel peep this as I have.  It is truly quite something to see, but it is not necessary.  Do set your Vimeo settings to full screen mode after you start the move though.  You will then experience the full effect, even with the usual heavy Vimeo compression.  Here is the Vimeo link:

Canon 5D Mark III Continuous Raw Video with Magic Lantern (1920×1280 24p)

I will continue to research this story further, and will report back my findings.  I may be wrong, but it sure looks to me like this is another major milestone in the making.  Time will tell if Magic Lantern catches on.  Time will also tell if Magic Lantern voids your Canon warranty.  I’ve asked Canon for a statement on the subject.  For now, I am personally taking the skeptical though interested view as I try to dig out more of the facts.

The full blog post that was my source for this story is here:

Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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