My Keynote Address – The Camera Forum®
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My Keynote Address

My Keynote Address

My Keynote Address from Mike Brookes on Vimeo.

Last month, Apple opened its Worldwide Developers Conference with an inspiring video outlining its core brand values.

Here are Mike Brookes core values.  I think Mike speaks for all of us in the creative industry.

His name is Mike Brookes; He is senior designer for Across the Pond Productions in London, UK (   ATP is a creative partner of the Google Creative Lab.   Mike works as an in-house designer on projects for Google and YouTube as well as a variety of other clients.


Like many of us, Mike sometimes dreams about what he would say if he was standing in front of a large audience giving the keynote address.  Unlike most of us, Mike has gone ahead and produced his vision.  A masterful work this, full of deep meaning for all of us who work in a creative field.  Along with the acknowledgement that we do not do this creative work solely for material gain, but also for the satisfaction gained from the quality of the effort behind the works we create.

Mike likes circles.  Why not invite him to yours?

Mike’s Website:

Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

1 Comment
  • Suzanne Birrell

    This is great. I think I’ll show it to my clients so they’ll be more receptive to my innate sense of originality.

    September 17, 2013 at 11:20 am

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