XPro-1 Video – The Camera Forum®
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XPro-1 Video

XPro-1 Video

For my clients, I do a mix of still photography with a growing number requesting video of one type or another.  So any new camera I would consider using in my work will need to have a good video capability as well as stunning stills.  Sadly, I didn’t have the time to really give the XPro-1 I had on loan a solid workout video wise, but I did manage a few clips to test with.

I was most impressed with the dynamic range, video resolution detail, and how well the files took color grading – even the extremes I pushed it to in test mode.  This camera could use more manual controls for video, but maybe there is more love to come from future firmware updates.  I think most everything that is presently lacking can be done in firmware updates.  Fuji seems to be taking this camera seriously, so I’d expect to see them continue to bring out enhancements over the coming months.

I’m going to post one short “torture test” video clip just to show how it takes grading and the lack of rolling shutter or “smearing” problems.  I know most users will never push their files nearly as far as I did in this test footage.  My intent was trying to push it as far as it would go, distortions and all.  So please judge it for what it is – only a test clip – not something ready for client delivery!



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Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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