Fuji X-T1 Field Test – The Camera Forum®
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Fuji X-T1 Field Test

Fuji X-T1 Field Test

Chris Niccolls is joined by Nick Devlin discussing the just released Fuji X-T1 camera. The X-T1 is the latest in the Fujifilm “X” series camera lineup, and may be the first Fuji X that crosses the line into the “general” camera category. Appealing to a much larger audience, thanks to greatly improved autofocus, the X-T1 also features weather sealing. Though there are no weather sealed lenses shipping yet, there are two announced.

While many have posted first impressions online of the Fuji X-T1, most are based on reading the specification sheet, not hands on. I find the most value from the reviewers who have actually held and used the camera. Of these, few reviewers opinions are as worthwhile as Canadian photographer Nick Devlin, just returned from a field shooting trip with the X-T1 in Utah, and Chris Niccolls from The Camera Store in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. These two can shake out a new camera, discover what there is for a working professional to like, and what can still use improvement. Of note in Devlin’s conclusions, he makes the statement ”While the Internet loves to speculate, for once I think X photographers aren’t going to be asking what’s next.” Sounds like Fuji has enough iterative improvements to satisfy even the harshest former critics.

I can’t wait to get my own eye up to that large viewfinder and see what all the fuss is about. Rest assured I will try to do my own hands on first look just as soon as possible. As a current owner of an X-E1, the Fuji X system gives photographers an excellent value for the money, as well as a path forward to the future. Fuji is good about releasing continuous updates to their X series cameras. These updates are improving both form and function since the initial release. The selection of shipping lenses is impressive. All exceptionally high quality, easy handling, and light weight.

As Nick and Chris note in their review of the X-T1, autofocus ability has always been a challenge for the Fuji X series. From the auto tracking lock the two demonstrate in the video, it seems as this problem is also fixed. This is welcome news indeed.

On the subject of autofocus, another old and dear friend, National Geographic shooter and Magnum Photo member David Alan Harvey also has been testing a new Fuji X-T1. He and a neighbor recorded a short “camera tip” video for his Burn Magazine audience where David demonstrates when to use autofocus and when to use manual focus. I’ve included it below for your enjoyment. Nice one David, we’re all glad to see you had a pleasant Presidents Day Mr. President! ;=)



Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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