Michiel Schierbeek – The Camera Forum®
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Michiel Schierbeek

Michiel Schierbeek

Featured Photographer: Michiel Schierbeek

We have followed the photography of Michiel Schierbeek for some time now. His quiet composions are lovely. Recently Michiel also added a Sigma DP2 Merrill to his camera set. We think this unique camera and his style are a great match.


Here, in his own words:


“After reading good things about this camera I bought the Sigma DP2 Merrill. The camera excells in sharpness and detail. The sensor and the lens are an ideal match and can give stunning quality. Structures, landscapes, cityscapes and surfaces are shown with an increadable amount of detail. It turns out to be a fantastic little camera for many subjects I am interested in to photograph. You have to take your time to compose the shots and I use a tripod in low light to keep the ISO low. It is a camera that you should handle as if it was a sort of medium format camera. In good light you can snapshot away as well, the AF is actually quiet good, but one learns not to, because of the short battery life. I like to travel very light and come home with files that make you smile once you look at them at 100%”


Here is some of his Sigma DP2 Merrill work:


More of Michiel’s images can be found here.


Uwe Steinmueller

Sadly, Uwe Steinmueller has passed from this life. His own website, outback photo is no longer online. But as long as TheCameraForum.Com lives on, so does the memory of my good friend Uwe Steinmueller. Rest easy, and know you are missed my friend.

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