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Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System

Ivanpah Solar Power Facility from TheCameraForum on Vimeo. And from the air, DJI was kind enough to fly this same location, and produced this: Legend has it that Archimedes used a "burning glass" to concentrate sunlight on the invading Roman fleet and repel them from Syracuse. In 1973 a Greek...

Ivanpah Solar Power Facili...

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Life With A Sony A7S: At 30 Days

Contax Zeiss Distagon 28mm F2 Sony A7S Test from TheCameraForum on Vimeo. I find it hard to believe, but it has already been over a month ago that I received the Sony A7S.  As I anticipated, hoped, and expected, it has been a very interesting camera to...

Contax Zeiss Distagon 28mm F...

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22 Rules of Storytelling

These rules were originally tweeted by Emma Coats, freelance director of films, boarder of story, sometimes public speaker, and a former Pixar Animation Story Artist.  Emma has since moved on to directing her own projects and advising others how to make theirs.   Reading her great blog at...

These rules were originally tw...

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Sneaker Zoom

Today, the most popular first lens bought with a new body is a zoom.  The two most usable focal lengths, according to the many professional photographers I've discussed this with is a 24-70mm and a 70-200mm.  These are the typical zoom focal lengths chosen for...

Today, the most popular firs...

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Amy Dresser

Mastering The Illusion of Perfection with Photo Retoucher Amy Dresser from on Vimeo. Master photo retoucher Amy Dresser started out working for two years with famed photographer Jill Greenberg.  Today however,  Amy works for a wide variety of "A-List" clients including Playboy, Barbie, Britney Spears,...

Mastering The Illusion of ...

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There are endless iPhone camera replacement apps and many are better than the Apple app. We always liked the 6x6 app for shooting square images because of its elegant simplicity. The same author has now published his PureShot camera app. For us, it is so...

There are endless iPhone camer...

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