NAB 2014: Libec Allex System – The Camera Forum®
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NAB 2014: Libec Allex System

NAB 2014: Libec Allex System

Like it or not, every serious video production requires “sticks” and a slider.  Normally, these two components are separate, transported separately, and for the slider, should you wish to raise it, you need to carry a separate tripod.   Add all these separates together, two tripods, two heads, etc. and you end up toting a lot of weight around.  Too much weight to handle comfortably along with a camera, lenses, and often lighting.  This is where the genius of the new Libec Allex System comes in.

Allex H - The Head For the Alex X System

Allex H – The Head For the Alex X System

Libec has artfully and magically combined all of the elements a hybrid storyteller will need into one flexible, 5.8kg / 12.8 lb. professional grade unit – and done it at a cost that is too hard to resist.  $983 MSRP, which means a “street” buy price of about $760 USD.  Not bad at all for a unit that gives you everything this kit does.  Flexibility is second to none.  Just need a steady set of “sticks” and a great fluid head?  You’ve got it.  Need a slider?  You have that too – both vertical as well as horizontal! Oh, and a separate low capability using just the small fold-away attached feet on the bottom of the slider section when you remove it from the sticks.  Very thoughtful.  Clearly, the designers at Libec actually use their own products.

Allex S - The Slider For the Alex X System

Allex S – The Slider For the Alex X System

Having the featured Libec Allex 75mm bowl system is a stroke of genius in design.  You can swap the fluid head section with the slider with the simple untwist of the central handle, swap the head for the slider unit by dropping it in the bowl, and reattach the handle to the bottom and level.  Presto, changeover complete.  Mount the SAME head to the slider frame post, and you are ready to go.  Total time for the change?  just a few seconds.  Remarkably fast and smooth in practice too, I did it myself easily the first time.

Allex T - The Tripod Component of the Allex System.

Allex T – The Tripod Component of the Allex System.

A couple of notes worth mentioning.  First, the head.  It is a true, professional quality video head from a professional quality head builder.  This is not some cheap knock off, it is the real deal with a beautiful smooth feel and fully adjustable resistance.  Good as the head is, that alone is probably worth the money for the whole kit.  But there is more.  Get your hands on the slider and push it around a bit, and you realize there is something very different about this slider vs. the usual bearing sliders of a similar size.  This slider is damped!  Seriously, Libec packs some type of special lubricant into each slider bearing, all eight of them, that provides a remarkable feeling of damping as you move the head through its intended travel.  No jerk starts or stops either, this thing is butter smooth with great tactile feedback.

My advice?  Get down to your dealer, and check out the Libec Allex System for yourself.  You won’t be sorry you did.  I hope to have a full review copy soon and looking forward to putting this puppy through it’s paces in actual practice myself!  To find your dealer, please visit the Libec web site here:  Links are available for your local country and language too!  And now that we have shown you what your getting, here is the Libec promo video that shows you what kinds of things you can do with it.  This video below was produced using the Allex System.


Libec new style tripod system “ALLEX” / NAB2014 from LTV – Libec TV on Vimeo.



Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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