NAB 2014: Kessler CineDrive – The Camera Forum®
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NAB 2014: Kessler CineDrive

NAB 2014: Kessler CineDrive

NAB 2014: Kessler CineDrive from TheCameraForum on Vimeo.

The Kessler CineDrive is a revolutionary multi axis camera motion control system designed by the Kessler engineering team to put the emphasis on filmmaker creativity, solving the how to do it problems.  I’ve never seen any one system with the power,versatility, and multi axis control that is configurable enough to meet my needs as a filmmaker in the studio and in the field.  The Kessler CineDrive does.

Excellent fabrication, quality components, high reliability, and iterative design improvement are what Kessler products are all about.  According to Kessler: “Whether for live-action, time-lapse or stop-motion, CineDrive was built to give filmmakers unlimited creative possibilities with robust keyframable motion controls right at their fingertips.”  Seeing the CineDrive running a pre-programmed series of complex maneuvers at NAB 2014 made me realize just how advanced the Kessler products are overall.  They are the unquestioned market leader in taking a good idea and making it great.  These guys really do give a hoot about designing cool gear to work with – and that looks good.  The “GeekSquad of Sliderdom.”

This latest generation of the CineDrive slider system is positively amazing to stand and watch.  Programmable as individual micro-movements in both space and time, and  in multiple dimensions, you can program the head and/or slider combinations that are limited only by the imagination of the director or director of photography.  Kessler builds products with the ability to carry serious production cameras like a Canon 5D Mark III – shown in my film above, or a Nikon D800 size body with ease.  There is no play or sloppy movement; everything is crisp, accurate, and no deviation from the pre-programmed complex of movements.  Timing is impeccable.  Repetitive moves, those for 3D and sequence animation requires the head to have an accurate return-to-start-position.  The CineDrive does.  Time after time after time.  After about five minutes of watching it go through the same convoluted routine is when I knew where the story was for the CineDrive.  It’s compact, but built to take professional use, and not as light in weight as some less expensive Chinese produced products I’ve also seen here at NAB 2014.

Hats off to the folks at Kessler for building a great product, and for keeping their production right here in the United States.  It’s good to see what a small group of people determined to build the best can accomplish.  It is equally encouraging to see that spirit still alive from the good ‘old days when “Made In The USA” meant something more awesome than you ever imagined.  Kessler CineDrive to my eye looks to be an inspiring tool.  I look at it and ideas pop into mind about how I would use a CineDrive, and how the degree of professional polish it would bring to my video work would be of benefit.  I don’t have the time or the desire to “learn and earn” my way up the quality ladder before using a tool such as this.  For serious video production work, I think it is an absolute necessity, and fits right into my own production vision.  If you’re in the same boat, looking for a slider to love, check out what the Kessler CineDrive has to offer.

I’m including the Kessler produced marketing story about the CineDrive below.  At the time of this writing I’m not sponsored by Kessler.  I don’t presently own their product, though I’m doing purchase research along with research for this story.  I think when you consider investing in automation equipment like this, you can’t get enough information.  It is complex, expensive territory with a wide quality range.  The production shows the quality that Kessler puts into everything I’ve seen them do.  As Ford once said, “In America, Quality Is Job One.”  Kessler, a real American class act, with high class professional products produced by real nice people.  It was great to meet them at NAB 2014.  I look forward to seeing more of them!



Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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