Creating a “Talking Senior Portrait” with Stills and Video
Creating a “Talking Senior Portrait” with Stills and Video from Sekonic on Vimeo.
To a school portrait photographer, the very idea of video has to be a scary proposition. But there is a middle ground. What I call hybrid storytelling Joe Brady calls a “Talking Senior Portrait.” What’s the difference? Very little. Joe shoots primarily talking senior portraits where I tend to tell more atmospheric types of stories. My clients tend to be more entertainment professionals where Joe’s clients were Sekonic Light Meters and Benro Tripods putting this story together.
I have no idea if you’re reading this as a professional looking to expand your market or simply as a source of personal interest. Again, it doesn’t matter because in either case you will be well served investing the half an hour of your time to watch Joe walk us through the process of putting together a Talking Senior Portrait. Even if your goal is not to create stunning talking senior portrait results, the very same steps are the steps required for shooting any other type of short-form video reliably, consistently, and as efficiently as possible.
Joe Brady uses the Adobe Creative Suite for his editing, so in addition to showing how he captures the stills and video, he also adds an effective demonstration of how to put together a quick edit in Adobe Premier incorporating both still photographs and short video clips.
Why is this important to a portrait photographer? Join host Joe Brady as he shows you how to incorporate video into a portrait shoot and if you are a struggling still photographer, possibly help you make some money doing it.
Video capture is usually the easy part. Assembling the various pieces into your finished product is often the big problem for many photographers. This presentation will guide you through all of the steps from motion video, video with stills, recording sound and adding a music track.
Joe will show both gear and techniques to combine stills, video and sound that you can use to create a fun and special “Talking Senior Portrait” that will have great appeal to both students and parents. Of course, the brand sponsors would love it if you ran out and bought their products, but that is not required to duplicate the high quality results for your own Talking Senior Portrait business, but it will only come with practice.