Duo Flammenspuk – The Camera Forum®
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Duo Flammenspuk

Duo Flammenspuk

Duo Flammenspuk – Kobold Streit & Schabernack from Hacky on Vimeo.

Kathy & Caro from Hamburg, Germany bring us enchanting fire-artistry with “Duo Flammenspuk.”  Flammenspuk is a word creation composed of the German words for flames and haunting.  This medieval show is called “Kobold-Streit” (goblin hassle) with lots of “Schabernack” (hoax).

This video was recorded using a pair of Sony A7R bodies in 1080p 50 mode.  Lenses used were the Zeiss FE 2.8/35 (for the longer shots) and the Carl Zeiss Planar T* 1.4/85mm originally made for Contax ( on the hand-held  close up camera) – both used wide open.  I own and use one of these lenses myself for the A7R, so I can heartily second its choice for this type of work at that focal length.  Considering this entire video was shot with available light, and mostly fire light at that, the A7R did a remarkable job.  While not perhaps as versatile in the lowest light as the A7S, this production clearly shows the A7R to be an all around good performer

To save bandwidth for our video constrained readers we have embedded the HD (720p) version of the movie but you can download the full quality (1080p FullHD 32 MBit) version of this video if you have a Vimeo registered account. The 1080p version is also shown here, with the usual Vimeo artifacts and compression caused reduction in quality:

The homegepage of Flammenspuk



Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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