Nikon D750 Filmmaker’s Kit – The Camera Forum®
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Nikon D750 Filmmaker’s Kit

Nikon D750 Filmmaker’s Kit


In days of old when men were bold, and DSLR video was not yet invented, to record video you would turn to a dedicated video camera. If you wanted to be a hybrid storyteller you wanted both photos and videos.  So you’d need to bring two cameras with you, a “still” camera, and a “video” camera.  And of course, all the related and necessary kit to go with them both.  Lenses, tripods, lights, etc. etc. etc.   Doest this sound bulky and troublesome?  It certainly was!  And required additional crew, both to cart the load and to setup/operate the very specific and difficult to master equipment.  The good news is those bad old days are thankfully over. Today’s DSLRs are more than capable of capturing excellent video, in addition to fantastic stills.

But what do you need for hybrid storytelling if you want to take your photography to the next level?  And equally important, if you’re new to this whole video medium as many of us were not so long ago, what is the best professional level kit to start out with?  Nikon would like you to consider their latest offering.  Nikon has recently announced the Nikon D750 Filmmaker’s Kit.

The Nikon D750

The Nikon D750

Basically the filmmaker’s kit contains the Nikon D750 camera which was announced last year. Nothing new, modified, or different there.  The kit also contains three NIKKOR lenses in popular focal lengths, including the AF-S NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G ED lens, the AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.8G lens and the AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G lens; all which provide good HD clarity and excellent depth of field control for filmmakers. The kit also contains two additional EN-EL15 batteries, an ME-1 Stereo Microphone, one Atomos Ninja-2 External Recorder (Atomos are top rated external field recorders for recording to the superior ProRes 422 codec) , and Tiffen® 67mm and 58mm Variable Neutral Density Filters (8-Stops) for superior control of light. In addition, the Nikon D750 Filmmaker’s Kit features custom foam inserts, which are ideally sized for use in a hard case for transporting equipment to your next video production.

The Nikon D750 Filmmaker’s Kit will be available in late February for a suggested retail price (SRP) of $3,999.95 USD.  I should point out that all of the items included in this Nikon D750 Filmmaker’s Kit are available for purchase separately as individual items.  However buying them together in this kit will save you about $650, or enough to also buy yourself some media.  You will need SSD media for use in the Atomos Ninja-2.  Media is not included, and will need to be purchased separately.  You will need some good high speed SD cards for the camera.  Don’t fool around with cheap media either, go for top professional grade for reliable, trouble free productions.

We would appreciate your pre-order of the Nikon D750 Filmmaker’s Kit from B&H Photo using this link: CLICK HERE

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Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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