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Nomads Of Mongolia

Life in Western Mongolia is an adventure. Training eagles to hunt, herding yaks, and racing camels are just a few of the daily activities of the nomadic Kazakh people. Global nomad filmmaker, Director, DP, and editor Brandon Li spent a few weeks living with the nomadic...

Life in Western Mongolia is an...

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In my last installment, we completed the color work grading our movie.  Unfortunately, as I have learned the hard way, nothing in life is free. It is not that Paul or Mark or Michael were anything but the kindest, most generous people – they are....

In my last installment, we c...

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Tell The Story With Soul What does it mean to tell a "Story With Soul?"  I see photographs posted online that often make me stop and shake my head.  Perfectly executed technically, but with little soul.  These photographs show solid understanding of  equipment operation, but nothing of the human condition or emotion... W...

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Sony A7R II: From The Experts At Samy’s The Sony A7R II introduction at Samy's Camera in Los Angeles, California on August 22, 2015 was a couple of weeks after the A7R II introduction launch held in New York City on August 5th.  From what I saw of the postings, Brian Smith did... ...

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Life is Art : David Alan Harvey

My friend and mentor David Alan Harvey begins his talk at TEDxVerona with the observation that photography is now the only universal language, a common thread understood around the world without need for translation.  He goes on to observe we are now all visual storytellers,...

My friend and mentor David...

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Sony A7S Low Light, High ISO Test

Sony hired Director of Photography Den Lennie several months ago to put a prototype Sony A7S through its paces in Mid March, and to make an amazing demonstration film of just what this incredible A7S Low Light new camera was capable of.  Mr. Lennie was a...

Sony hired Director of Photo...

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Magisto: Is Personal Video Poised To Take Off?

Despite the best efforts of the top camera and smartphone manufacturers, personal video hasn’t exploded the way still photos have. However, like still photos, many say that personal video has the potential to break out from its role as "memory clips" and become an even...

Despite the best efforts of ...

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