WALLEY POS-86 Promo Video from Walley Films on Vimeo.
On the lighter side today for those who haven’t seen it yet, Walley POS-86 is a short promo video that parodies the endless production and marketing of prosumer video cameras. Filmmakers Mark and Angela Walley have created a camera that is both a reverse trend in consumer electronics and “the most advanced camera ever built.”

The WALLEY POS-86 Advanced Features

The WALLEY POS-86 Rear View.
Creation to Consumption Statement:
“Filmmakers Mark and Angela Walley dive into the worlds of video camera invention and commercial marketing for their upcoming exhibition Creation to Consumption at Sala Diaz. The gallery space will be transformed into a product showroom to unveil and demonstrate the WALLEY POS-86, an impossible video camera that represents a reverse trend in consumer electronics. Through the use of sculpture, video, and design, Creation to Consumption satirizes the seemingly interminable production and distribution of new retail electronics.”

WALLEY POS-86 – Top View Showing the Unique Stereo Viewfinder!
“WALLEY POS-86 Promo Video” was produced as part of the art exhibition “Creation to Consumption” curated by Hills Snyder for the artist-run exhibition space, Sala Diaz. Special thanks to Mark Menjivar, Sara Frantz, and John Totman. Music by Mark Walley.
These are projects we all need to be more involved in! Read more about the project on Walley Films Blog: walleyfilms.wordpress.com/2014/05/02/walley-pos-86/
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