Discover Mirrorless – The Camera Forum®
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Discover Mirrorless

Discover Mirrorless


From the folks who present, the new website is the product of what happens when photo innovator Will Crockett collaborates with other photographers and photo educators to realize that the photography industry is changing. Technology is going to change the way that we create, view and share portraits and images with our family and friends. We have smartTVs, smartphones, Notebooks, Tablets, iPads, iPhones and…well you already know this. But, what you may not know is that we have to change the way we shoot, print, and sell photography products that will soon be digital products. is here to show you how.
Subscribe to stay in touch with the latest news:
Subscribe to the YouTube Channel to check out the Hybrid Hangouts, and more:
The SMARTER Photographer is a new online video series that keep you up to speed on the easier, faster, simpler and smarter ways to create hybrid images using any camera. We’re learning about LED lights, shooting video with our photo cameras, file processing for hybrid eProducts, and even exploring the magical powers of the new breed of mirrorless cameras in this one hour long video.
Each volume of The Smarter Photographer provides in depth content such as these timely topics:
• Along the Hybrid Highway – using photo+video together
• 7 minutes in the Hybrid Hotseat – conversations with the pros
• File Refinement – Lightroom 4 ready for prime time
• The Gallery Galaxy – sharing with online galleries
• Discovering Mirrorless – The latest in cameras
Catch a new volume every 10 weeks, guaranteed good, and a nice low price too.
Chuck Jones

Digital Media Producer, Photographer, Video Storyteller, Cinemagraph Master. Only Semi-Reformed Hippy. Managing Editor of http://TheCameraForum.Com

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