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How To Get Off Your Ass & Get Your Stuff Noticed
with Gary Vaynerchuk & Chase Jarvis
Chase Jarvis welcomes author and social media marketer Gary Vaynerchuk to his Seattle studio to discuss how to stand out in a noisy social world. Gary's books are always...
How To Get Off Your Ass &...
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If there is one man's words I will spend the rest of my life trying to feel, they are those of Henri Cartier-Bresson. Yes, I said feel, as from my hours of study I find Cartier-Bresson unique in the world of photographers. Like few others...
If there is one man's words ...
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Featured Photographer: Steffen Jahn
My good friend Steffen Jahn is a very lucky guy. He gets to shoot some of the finest automobiles ever made, and gets paid to do it. Talk about a dream fantasy job. But as with all pleasures also comes a great...
Featured Photographer: Steffen...
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By Lawrence Beck
In the mid-80’s, while on a flight to New York, I met a San Francisco photographer named Jimo Perini. What caught my eye was two bricks of film sticking out of his tote bag: Tri X and Ektachrome 160.
I asked him where he...
By Lawrence Beck
In the mid-8...
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photographer: David Alan Harvey
layout and design: Bryan Harvey
producer: Eva-Maria Kunz
coordinator: Diego Orlando
production: Andrea Barbato, Michael Courvoisier, Candy Pilar Godoy
Attention photographers! We at thecameraforum.com offer the following presentation as a whole new take on just what a printed book can be. The ability for the reader...
photographer: David Alan Har...
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The Bicycle Series
It was just after sunrise on an October morning in 1989 when Arturo Monroy, a brilliant watercolor painter living in Antigua, Guatemala, opened his window to 7A Avenida Norte. A neighbor Arturo knew to possess unquestionable psychic talent greeted him as he passed...
The Bicycle Series
It was jus...
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Few of you have likely ever heard of my friend Nels Israelson. For years, Nels has been one of those hard working photographic souls who’s work is absolutely fabulous, but who’s lot in life is to work for major film studios. You know, those fat...
Few of you have likely ever he...
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‘Secrets of Great Portrait Photography: Photographs of the Famous and Infamous‘ from New Riders, an imprint of Peachpit, is a book 30+ years in the making, drawing upon the best lessons learned over the last three decades photographing portraits of the rich and famous, it blends...
‘Secrets of Great Portrait Pho...
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From the folks who present ShootSmarter.com, the new website DiscoverMirrorless.com is the product of what happens when photo innovator Will Crockett collaborates with other photographers and photo educators to realize that the photography industry is changing. Technology is going to change the way that we create, view and share portraits and images with our...
From the folks who...
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