Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8 for Fuji Field Tests
Here are some additional field test images from the Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8.
We used the lens (loaner from Zeiss) with our X-T1.
Some initial thoughts:
- Very good sharpness as we expected
- A focal length of 32mm (48mm at 35mm equivalent) proves to be good for general street photography (at least for us).
- AF not really fast, needs good edges to lock on
- f/1.8 is not ultra fast but ok for us
- If this lens would have image stabilization or the X-T1 IBIS (in body image stabilization) the lens would be even more useful
- The quality seems to be in the same ballpark as the Fuji 35mm f/1.4
- We do not like the lens cap of the Fuji 35mm because the front protection cap always falls off. The solution on the Touit is more usable.
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