FolioBook for iPad: Present Your Portfolios! – The Camera Forum®
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FolioBook for iPad: Present Your Portfolios!

FolioBook for iPad: Present Your Portfolios!

The Latest From DigitalOutBackPhoto:

FolioBook for iPad

The iPad is an excellent device to show your portfolios to clients or friends. Unfortunately the Photos app is not really very good to show your work. The main reason is that the Photos app is a photo browser (even a very limited at that). When you show images to your clients it is all about your photos and how you present them. Here the FolioBook app comes into play. This application is all about letting your photos be the center stage and not a limited photo browser.


FolioBook allows you to create Portfolios:

 Already the intro screen has a very nice look that enhance the feeling you show your valuable work and not a bunch of photos.


Images can be imported from the Photo Library or the Dropbox. We use the Dropbox because we have more control about the final image quality. With the Photo Library and iTunes Apple decides to optimize the images (size and colors) and this may not always what you want.


Once you have loaded the images into your portfolio you have some options to present them.

With Thumbnails


Without Captions


With Captions

As a nice feature FolioBook allows you to backup your portfolio and load it to other iPads (including all your images).  We had the same kind of goal when we created our free FineFotoShow app ( in 2010. We find FolioBook is more flexible.

FolioBook is not a low cost iPad app but clearly is more than worth the cost if you want to present beautiful and clean Portfolios on the iPad.  Very highly recommended.

Available now in the Apple App Store.  For more information on FolioBook, please visit

Uwe Steinmueller


Uwe Steinmueller

Sadly, Uwe Steinmueller has passed from this life. His own website, outback photo is no longer online. But as long as TheCameraForum.Com lives on, so does the memory of my good friend Uwe Steinmueller. Rest easy, and know you are missed my friend.

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