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Athletic Power of Quadcopters

  In a robot lab at TEDGlobal, Raffaello D'Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes, solving physical problems with algorithms that help them learn. In a series of nifty demos, D'Andrea show drones that play catch, balance and make decisions together -- and...

  In a robot lab at ...

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Signal & Noise

  Zack Arias, just another crazy old goat.  Like myself folks, he feels that a rangefinder mirrorless experience is the best of photographic life.  He's also either plagued by the voice of a departed Bresson spirit, or he could be onto something enlightened with his internal...

  Zack Arias, just a...

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Putting The “L” In Los Angeles

[caption id="attachment_3780" align="aligncenter" width="680"] Leica PR Photo[/caption] Picking up cues from Apple Computer's retail theme, Leica brings it's Brand to retailing with this first grand experiment. From the outside, the new Leica Los Angeles store looks much like one of the many other upscale boutique  stores that surround...

[caption id="attachment_3780...

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Photography Consumer’s Bill of Rights

I am reposting below Roger Cicala's blog post of "A Photography Consumer's Bill of Rights" in its entirety.  I could not agree more with Roger's position that these should be basic consumer rights for retail photography products sold here in the United States.  Unfortunately, the situations do...

I am reposting below Roger C...

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The Light Inside

The Light Inside: Dance at Princeton from Jon Roemer on Vimeo. My good friend and kindred spirit Jon Roemer did a blog post this week that caught my attention, as I hope it will yours.  I've followed this project from its initial shoot for the vertical print...

The Light Inside: Dance at...

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Mt. Everest

Everest -A time lapse short film from Elia Saikaly on Vimeo. I've never been a mountain climber.  I don't have the strength, endurance or the desire to undertake extreme sports in extreme locations.  I can appreciate what a great story it can make though.  For this...

Everest -A time lapse shor...

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22 Rules of Storytelling

These rules were originally tweeted by Emma Coats, freelance director of films, boarder of story, sometimes public speaker, and a former Pixar Animation Story Artist.  Emma has since moved on to directing her own projects and advising others how to make theirs.   Reading her great blog at...

These rules were originally tw...

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Saturday Double Feature

CAPTAIN T&T (2013) - A Short Film from Christopher Guinness on Vimeo. I can still remember back when the local movie theatre in my hometown ran a Saturday Double Feature for youngsters like myself.  Often, those double features were both from the same director.  Those were...

CAPTAIN T&T (2013) - A...

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